Welcomew to musuc world!! spain



Los 40 Principales ( www.los40.com) is the most famous music program in Spain, both in TV and in the Radio.
It is similar to the MTV but only in Spain and in Spanish speaking countries. The name literally means “top 40”, because the program consist on the top 40 songs of the moment.

The last top artists list is (top 10 of the top 40)
1 "Ojalá pudiera borrarte" ("Amar es combatir (Edición Especial Limitada)")
Maná ↓
2 "Monsoon" ("Scream") Tokio Hotel =
3 "Me enamora (Descárgatela enviando ENAMORA al 7540)" ("La vida es un ratico")
Juanes =
4 "Todo irá bien (Decárgatela enviando CHENOA al 7540)" ("Absurda cenicienta")
Chenoa ↓
5 "Umbrella (featuring Jay-Z)" ("Good girl gone bad")
Rihanna ↓
6 "Sueños rotos" ("El mundo se equivoca")
5ª Estación, La ↑
7 "Nada que perder" ("Nada más")
Conchita ↓
8 Relax (Take it easy). Descárgate el tono real enviando RELAX al 7540" ("Life in cartoon motion")

Mika =
9 "Déjame vivir (con La Mari)" ("Adelantando") Jarabe de Palo ↑
10 "Demasiado tarde" ("Nos vemos en el camino")

Sueño de Morfeo, El ↓

famous artists



The most famous genre in Spain is pop music, though nowadays reaggeton and hip hop are also very famous.        http://www.los40.com/actualidad/noticias.html